Find out about our fantastic Virtual Studio options here…

Due to current restrictions surrounding social distancing, OneBigStar have been approached by many clients to explore the options of hosting virtual events.
Here we explain the ways we can host your event online as pre-recorded or streamed live over the internet to your delegates. We have options to include a fully branded in-house stage set and a green screen environment through to an event hosted in your own premises, all with a limited tech team and making great use of our latest technology.
Using our green screen setup provides a fully flexible recording environment by which we can record a presenter to later edit and ‘Chroma key’ over a virtual studio background.
With careful lighting and audio control the end results are extremely effective and fully customisable for your branding, look and feel.
The short video below shows the tech behind the setup.
Our vast stock inventory of production equipment allows OneBigStar to visualise and build a bespoke studio to your needs.
Features can include such elements as:
- Staging, trussing and draping to create the environment space
- Key lighting and feature lighting to enhance the look & feel
- Multiple automated PTZ camera systems to capture the video from different perspectives
- LED screen backdrops for presentation display or branding
- Demonstration counters or lecterns
- Live streamed video interaction as part of a live or recorded session
The video below shows a generic studio setup with 3 PTZ camera mix which can be modular in size to suit your environment

Any virtual studio setup can be enhanced easily for your particular event, we use our extensive experience from years of working on similar events to offer the following services:
- Custom graphic design and renders to help you or your customers envisage the design
- Bespoke set build and print to create a unique look for your studio space to include all branding and corporate colouration
- Streaming devices and software to enable your event to reach as many delegates as required with real-time reporting and Q&A options
- Our modular equipment allows us to design the set and space to your environment, you can come here and brand our space or we can deign a set to bring to you
- Our audio systems and engineers allow full monitoring to ensure intelligible and consistent levels for your recording or stream
- We have auto-cue and teleprompting options for presenters as well as advancing systems and countdown timers